Welcome to Life’s Little Things

Welcome to Life’s Little Things. A positive, motivational and (hopefully) inspiring blog that will bring a ray of sunshine to your day. Let me start by introducing myself! I’m Jem, a working Mum of 2 young children (who keep me very busy) and a wife. Being a creative person, I have wanted to write a blog for a long time. After years of trying to decide on a purpose for my blog I had a eureka moment! A blog would be the perfect place to spread some happiness and positivity out into the world!

Life’s Little Things is a place where I want to share with you the happiness and the beauty of the little things in life that we often overlook as well as sharing things like handmade craft ideas and recipes. I also want Life’s Little Things to be a platform for me to share tips and advice on how we can all be more environmentally friendly and how to help our planet by making little changes in our lives.

Life’s Little Things latest Blog Posts

It is going to be an exciting year for Life’s Little Things! In the coming months I hope to launch a small range of environmentally friendly and conscious gifts and crafts. I want to make it easy for people to be able to brighten someones day with a special hand made gift but also make it easy for them to help our planet at the same time.

I will be posting new blog posts every month, but keep an eye on my Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest accounts for inspirational and motivational posts throughout the week. Want to see my existing blog posts? Just visit the Blog page to check them out!