5 little things for a happy hygge Summer!

Hey everyone! It feels like forever since I last wrote a blog post, but it’s only been a month! It is so nice to be back writing though. Since my last post we have officially entered into Summer! Woohoo! One of my favourite posts from the beginning of the year was about Hygge. (If you missed it, you can check it out here!) I love hygge in Winter, but how can you get your hygge on in Summer? Life’s little things brings you 5 little things for a happy hygge Summer!

What is hygge again?

Hygge, is the Danish way of life, where people surround themselves with simple things that bring them the most comfort and contentment. It’s normally associated with Winter, but hygge is totally achievable in Summer, just not in the same ways as Winter! Hygge is about creating happiness from the most simple things in life like the food we eat, the company we keep, a cosy, comfortable setting and being present in the moment to see, smell and really feel what is all around you.

1. BBQ

The number 1 thing I look forward to every Summer is BBQs! Whether it’s a small impromptu BBQ or a larger gathering with family & friends, I love them! Hearing the sizzle of the BBQ & that glorious smell of the food cooking. There is just something about cooking and eating food outside that makes me so happy. Apart from the delicious food, I love BBQs with friends & family as it’s more of an event, where everyone comes together & relaxes & chats & enjoys eachothers company. Whats not hygge about a good bbq?!

2. Family picnics

Sticking with the theme of eating outside, somethings else that brings me a lot of hygge happiness in Summer is a good family picnic. I love preparing & packing up our favourite treats, then heading out to somewhere like a beach, a park or a woods. Again, what is it about enjoying food outside that makes it so much more fun? I wonder if it is because when eating lunch in your home, you are surrounded by all the jobs & chores you have to do as soon as you finish eating? Being outside away from your normal humdrum lunch environment just allows you to relax, enjoy the fresh air, sunshine and the sights & sounds around you.

3. Growing & eating fruit & veg

Food again! This year we have had a go at growing our own vegetables in the garden & I have loved it! I am not naturally green fingered, so the fact that I have managed to grow anything is a miracle. I have enjoyed watering the plants everyday & seeing them grow. Its felt like quite an exciting achievement. In the last week, we (especially the kids) have been so excited that things have finally been ready to start picking & eating. It has been so wonderfully comforting & has brought a lot of happiness to pick & eat something we have grown ourselves. I highly recommend giving it a go!

Little seedlings!
All planted & growing.
Peas, carrots & onions!

4. Relaxing in the sunshine

In Summer, on those odd occasions I have a spare half an hour to myself, I love grabbing a blanket, a good book (and don’t forget that sun cream!), then finding a lovely sunny spot to relax in while I read or listen to some music or just close my eyes & listen to the (hopefully) peaceful surroundings. I love warming up in the sunshine, and just listening to the birds singing, the breeze rustling through the trees. Peace and quite. A wonderfully hygge way to slow down & be present in the world and the moment.

5. Stargazing

I think this is probably the most hygge of the 5. On a lovely clear night, what better thing is there to do than snuggle up under a blanket & gaze up at the beautiful starry night sky. While enjoying a starry night, maybe you could have a fire pit, make s’mores & drink hot chocolate or maybe just light some candles or switch on some warm glow fairy lights to create the perfectly cosy and comforting hygge outdoor space. Perfect!

I hope you all enjoy your Summer, whatever you get up to. Don’t forget to take notice of the little things in life, they are all around you! See you in a month for another post from Life’s Little Things! For more posts in the meantime check out my Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest accounts.

Take care

Jem X