5 little things to help our planets palm oil problem

There has been a lot in the news over the past few months about climate change and extreme weather that some parts of the world have been experiencing. There are many many things that contribute to climate change, but the one I want to talk about in this post is our planets palm oil problem. Palm oil is a vegetable oil, harvested from the fruit of trees grown in Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America. It is added into many household items for a variety of reasons. But do you know the amount of damage palm oil production does to our planet?

Due to its high demand, rainforests are being destroyed at astonishing rates. This plays a large role in millions of tonnes of greenhouse gasses entering our atmosphere which contributes to climate change. Indigenous people are being pushed from their homes and there are reports of worker and child exploitation of labour. Animal habitats are being destroyed and species are being pushed to the brink of extinction. What can we do about it, I hear you ask? Well, Life’s Little Things brings you 5 little things to help with our planets palm oil problem.

5 little things to help our planets palm oil problem
5 little things to help our planets palm oil problem

1. Choose foods without palm oil

It is estimated that 50% of packaged food in Supermarkets contains palm oil. Thats pretty shocking! It is in everything from spreads, to biscuits to pizza! It is used in things like margarine and peanut butter to give a spreadable consistency. Other foods use it to help with expiration dates. One of the quickest and easiest ways to help reduce the demand for palm oil, therefore reducing the amount of devastation to our planet, is to buy products that do not contain palm oil. More and more palm oil free products are appearing on our shelves and can be great alternatives. One shop that is going the extra mile is Iceland. They have removed palm oil from all their own brand products!

Some products claim to use sustainable palm oil. Now, depending on what website you go to, you will get different opinions on whether sustainable palm oil is good enough. Generally, the opinion of sustainable palm oil is that it is better than unsustainable palm oil. However, it doesn’t go far enough in protecting from deforestation, protecting animals and protecting livelihoods. The best way to make an impact on palm oil production is to avoid buying products with palm oil in.

2. Choose cosmetics without palm oil

It’s not just food that can use palm oil, but many cosmetics such as shampoo, lipstick and soap also have it in. It can be a little trickier when looking at what cosmetics contain it as it will not be listed as palm oil. Instead its chemical name, such as Sodium Laureth Sulphate or Palmitoyl Oxostearamide, will be listed. An excellent website to check out for lists of palm oil free products is ethical consumer.org. They have a huge list of palm oil free products including cosmetics, food and even cleaning products.

Orangutan are on brink of extinction due to palm oil demand.
Orangutan are on brink of extinction due to palm oil demand.

3. Check how your shops and brands rank on scorecards

There are a few different places online that you can check scoring systems for your favourite brands and shops to see how ethical they are and their stance on palm oil. The WWF website has a scorecard that rates manufacturers, retailers and food services out of 22. Here you can check out the latest list for 2020 in PDF format or check 2019 and earlier scores on their website.

4. Contact brands that use palm oil

Something you could do to take things even further is to contact a brand about their products. Tell them how you feel about the use of palm oil in their products. About the destruction and damage it is causing and how things need to change. The more brands hear that their customers are not happy that they use palm oil, the more they will realise that they need to change to help our planets palm oil problem.

Deforestation palm oil fact.
Areas of rainforest, the size of 300 football pitches are estimated to be cleared every hour due to the demand for palm oil.

5. Share information with your friends and family

Just sharing information with your friends and family about why they should try to avoid products with palm oil or at least cut down on products with palm oil is a great help. You could tell them about any product swaps you have made and that you like. You could also share ideas on how you could use palm oil products less.

Over the coming weeks I will post some changes that we make at home to things we buy and swaps we make to palm oil free products, so keep an eye on my Instagram and Facebook pages! Feel free to share any tips or products that you have found to help our planets palm oil problem! If you would like some more information on little things you can do to help our planet, you can also check out some of my previous posts, 5 little things we can all do to help the environment and 5 little things we can all do for Earth Day 2021. If everyone made lots of little changes wherever they could, a big impact could be made that would greatly help our planet.

Take care,



5 little things for a happy hygge Summer!

Hey everyone! It feels like forever since I last wrote a blog post, but it’s only been a month! It is so nice to be back writing though. Since my last post we have officially entered into Summer! Woohoo! One of my favourite posts from the beginning of the year was about Hygge. (If you missed it, you can check it out here!) I love hygge in Winter, but how can you get your hygge on in Summer? Life’s little things brings you 5 little things for a happy hygge Summer!

What is hygge again?

Hygge, is the Danish way of life, where people surround themselves with simple things that bring them the most comfort and contentment. It’s normally associated with Winter, but hygge is totally achievable in Summer, just not in the same ways as Winter! Hygge is about creating happiness from the most simple things in life like the food we eat, the company we keep, a cosy, comfortable setting and being present in the moment to see, smell and really feel what is all around you.

1. BBQ

The number 1 thing I look forward to every Summer is BBQs! Whether it’s a small impromptu BBQ or a larger gathering with family & friends, I love them! Hearing the sizzle of the BBQ & that glorious smell of the food cooking. There is just something about cooking and eating food outside that makes me so happy. Apart from the delicious food, I love BBQs with friends & family as it’s more of an event, where everyone comes together & relaxes & chats & enjoys eachothers company. Whats not hygge about a good bbq?!

2. Family picnics

Sticking with the theme of eating outside, somethings else that brings me a lot of hygge happiness in Summer is a good family picnic. I love preparing & packing up our favourite treats, then heading out to somewhere like a beach, a park or a woods. Again, what is it about enjoying food outside that makes it so much more fun? I wonder if it is because when eating lunch in your home, you are surrounded by all the jobs & chores you have to do as soon as you finish eating? Being outside away from your normal humdrum lunch environment just allows you to relax, enjoy the fresh air, sunshine and the sights & sounds around you.

3. Growing & eating fruit & veg

Food again! This year we have had a go at growing our own vegetables in the garden & I have loved it! I am not naturally green fingered, so the fact that I have managed to grow anything is a miracle. I have enjoyed watering the plants everyday & seeing them grow. Its felt like quite an exciting achievement. In the last week, we (especially the kids) have been so excited that things have finally been ready to start picking & eating. It has been so wonderfully comforting & has brought a lot of happiness to pick & eat something we have grown ourselves. I highly recommend giving it a go!

Little seedlings!
All planted & growing.
Peas, carrots & onions!

4. Relaxing in the sunshine

In Summer, on those odd occasions I have a spare half an hour to myself, I love grabbing a blanket, a good book (and don’t forget that sun cream!), then finding a lovely sunny spot to relax in while I read or listen to some music or just close my eyes & listen to the (hopefully) peaceful surroundings. I love warming up in the sunshine, and just listening to the birds singing, the breeze rustling through the trees. Peace and quite. A wonderfully hygge way to slow down & be present in the world and the moment.

5. Stargazing

I think this is probably the most hygge of the 5. On a lovely clear night, what better thing is there to do than snuggle up under a blanket & gaze up at the beautiful starry night sky. While enjoying a starry night, maybe you could have a fire pit, make s’mores & drink hot chocolate or maybe just light some candles or switch on some warm glow fairy lights to create the perfectly cosy and comforting hygge outdoor space. Perfect!

I hope you all enjoy your Summer, whatever you get up to. Don’t forget to take notice of the little things in life, they are all around you! See you in a month for another post from Life’s Little Things! For more posts in the meantime check out my Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest accounts.

Take care

Jem X

5 little things for better self care

When I say ‘self care’ I’m not talking about choosing better shampoo or how often we should brush our teeth. I am talking about taking care of our emotional and mental wellbeing. This past year has been a really tough one for us all and I think it has highlighted vulnerabilities and strengths we may never have thought we had when having to deal with life during a global pandemic. For me it has highlighted how important it is to slow down and focus on the little things in life and making sure you look after yourself. So for this blog post, Life’s Little things brings you 5 little things for better self care.

5 little things for better self care
5 little things for better self care

Get enough sleep

Since becoming a Mum I have really come to learn and appreciate the importance of sleep! When we have gone through rough sleep patches of disturbed nights and being up with one of the kids, in the worst times I didn’t feel like myself at all. My mood would be very low and I literally couldn’t think straight. I would need a nap like the kids just to make it to the end of the day!

According to the NHS an adult needs around 8 hours of good quality sleep a night

Having a nice relaxing bedtime routine can really help with a good nights sleep. You could do things like make a ‘to do’ list and jot down all those stray thoughts that always occur just as you are getting ready to go to sleep. By getting them down on paper, you won’t need to think about them! Other ideas are listening to some relaxing music, or doing some relaxing yoga. The one recommendation I always struggle with is avoiding smartphones and tablets an hour before bed. But I am going to try harder to not work so late and give myself time to unwind before bed to help get a better nights sleep.

Getting enough sleep not only boosts your mental health and wellbeing but research shows it even boosts your immunity! After the past year, having good immunity can only be a good thing. Something as simple as getting more sleep is so good for you, so snuggle up and sweet dreams!


An article on mentalhealth.org.uk says that talking about your feelings can help you stay in good mental health, and can help you feel supported if you have a problem. So many times I will chew a problem over and over in my head. As soon as I talk to someone about it though, I feel so much better! Do you find that? Many times whoever I am talking to will then say they have had the same problem or worries. Just talking to someone and knowing you’re not alone in your thoughts and feelings is a great way to take care of yourself. Whether it is through text, over the phone, FaceTime or getting out for a walk with a friend, get talking.

You time

When I talk about you time, I don’t mean time on your own so you can get the housework done. I mean proper YOU time, where you do something for YOU and only YOU. Whether that is going out for a walk, a trip to the beach to have an ice cream by yourself. Maybe take yourself out for lunch and a little bit of shopping. You could set aside a little time each week to learn a new hobby. Or just relax, read a book or watch your favourite programme. Just because YOU want to.

Being a Mum to 2 young children, a lot of my time is spent doing things for others. While I don’t mind doing things for my family, every now and then it is really important that I give myself a break and do something for me. It gives me time to refresh and re-energise. I am a better Mum, Wife and person when I return.

You time ideas
You time ideas


There is so much going on in the world. We have the news and social media constantly at our fingertips telling us the good, the bad and the ugly all the time. I love nothing more than a bit of escapism every now and then to get away from it all. I love getting lost in a good book or engrossed in a film. I’ll admit, when things get tough I normally turn to a Disney film, or my favourite tv programme, Friends. It’s even better if you know what you are watching really well because just for a little bit you can completely switch off your brain and not even have to think! Or I love putting on some of my favourite music and singing along like no one is listening and dancing around like no one is watching.

It’s ok to ask for help

Something that is really really important to remember about self care is that you don’t have to know all the answers. You don’t have to know exactly how is best to look after your mental and emotional wellbeing, or why you feel the way you do, or exactly how you can make yourself feel better. You don’t have to know everything about how to bring up kids, or how to deal with a global pandemic or just deal with life in general. There are many places, organisations and people that you can reach out to for help.

Should you feel you need to reach out for help or advice please check out the list of numbers available at mind.org, nhs.uk or here is a selection below.

Helpline numbers
Helpline numbers

Taking a bit of time to look after yourself whenever you need it, will not only benefit you but also those around you. These are just 5 little things for better self care, but there are plenty more things that you could do. I have lots of ideas saved over on the Life’s Little Things Happiness and Mindfulness board on Pinterest. For a little happiness boost, you could always check out my blog post about Hygge, or for some motivation and inspiration you could check out 9 little quotes to live by – Part 1.

See you in 2 weeks. For more posts you can check out my Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest accounts.

Take care,

Jem X