Happy New Year and Welcome!

2021 on the beach

First let me wish you a Happy New Year! I hope you are having a wonderful and safe time. Secondly let me wish you the warmest of welcomes to Life’s Little Things!

January 1st is a strange sort of day. It’s a day where we make resolutions, where we feel we can do anything and make what we thought was impossible… possible. So I thought what better time to launch my new blog than today! This is something I have been slowly working on over the last 6 months, well in truth this idea started about 15 years ago, so I am very excited (and nervous!) to finally get to launch it. Let me tell you a bit more about what it’s all about…..

What is Life’s Little Things? – Part 1

We all know that 2020 was a tough year for everyone. I don’t know about you, but on many days I felt completely overwhelmed by the stories and articles on the news and on social media. My head would spin as I constantly read and read and felt more and more like the world and it’s problems were just too big for me and there was nothing I could do to fix them. When I reached that point, when everything felt too big, I made a decision to bring my world down to a manageable size. I put my phone away, turned off the news and focused on the little things in life, or life’s little things! I found that by just focusing on the little things around me, like sitting on the grass in the sunshine or taking a walk on the beach, I found happiness and positivity and this is what Part 1 of Life’s Little Things is all about. I want to spread the happiness and positivity that I found in the little things out into the world through my blog posts and be like a little ray of sunshine in your day, because I think the world needs it after the year we have all had! The plan is to release a new blog post every 2 weeks, but keep an eye out on Life’s Little Things social media accounts for more regular posts! (Links are at the bottom of the Site).

What is Life’s Little Things? – Part 2

I have bigger dreams for Life’s Little Things beyond being a blog. I am hoping in the next few months to launch a small range of environmentally conscious and friendly gifts and crafts with the aim of helping our poor planet. The items will be made from recycled materials, biodegradable materials or materials that can later be recycled. I want to make it easy for people to be able to brighten someone’s day with a gift but also make it easy for them to help our planet at the same time.

I would love for you to join me on this journey so keep an eye on the Site for future posts, or follow me on Facebook and Instagram for more from Life’s Little Things!

Keep smiling and bring on 2021!

Jem X