Life’s Little Things, 6 months on

Wow! I can’t believe that it has been 6 months since I posted my first blog post and this is my 13th! I have covered all sorts of topics in my posts so far, but for this special 6 month milestone I wanted to give a little update of where the business is at and what is coming up next for Life’s Little Things. So, here is Life’s Little Things, 6 months on.

So how is the happiness blog going?

I have to say, I am REALLY enjoying writing the blog! I am loving creating a range of positive and informative posts, from recipes, to environmental posts. It is great to be putting something happy and helpful out there for people to (hopefully) enjoy. Not only have I been writing blog posts but every Monday I also post a motivational or inspirational quote over on my Life’s Little Thing’s Instagram and Facebook pages. I love putting these little rays of sunshine up every Monday. I know they certainly help pick me up at the start of the week and help put me in a better frame of mind for the week ahead. (If you haven’t seen them, you can check out my motivational quotes in 9 quotes to live by – Part 1 and 9 quotes to live by – Part 2)

A couple of months ago I also launched Life’s Little Things onto Pinterest. I have loved Pinterest for many years, so was excited to use it to not only add my own content to but to also pin some amazing content from other people. I have all sorts saved over there from boards about happiness and mindfulness to our planet and the environment. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you can view it here and give it a follow.

While I am loving creating my blog content, now that the business side of things is moving forward I am finding it very time consuming doing a post every 2 weeks and am not getting enough time to work on the products I want to create. So, for now, I am going to start doing blog posts once a month to give me more time to focus on the business side of Life’s Little Things.

So, what is going on with the environmentally friendly craft business?

As I explained in my first 2 blog posts, (Happy New Year and Welcome and A little bit about me) as well as the blog, I also want to create an environmentally friendly craft business. I’ve been doing lots of research over the last 6 months about starting up a craft business. One book in particular thats helped me get too grips with all I need to do is Making and Marketing a Successful Art and Craft Business by Fiona Pullen. I can’t recommend this book enough for anyone looking to start up a craft business. It is absolutely jam packed full of so much information from the legal and financial side to running a website and social media. While it doesn’t go very in-depth on any of the subjects, it has a ton of useful links available throughout should you want to find out more information about something specific.

Making & Marketing a Successful Art & Craft Business by Fiona Pullen
Making & Marketing a Successful Art & Craft Business by Fiona Pullen

An exciting development happened a few weeks ago when I purchased a Cricut Maker, which is the machine that I will be using to create many of my products. I’ll admit, it’s not been all plain sailing with the Cricut and I have a lot still to learn about it but I am slowly getting there. I am doing loads of designing and developing of my ideas for products that I want to launch. I have also been researching what environmentally friendly materials I can use with it and experimenting with designs. Watch this space for exciting things to come!

Cricut Maker
Cricut Maker

So what’s next?

I was hoping to have already started selling things by now but time just runs away when you are running around after 2 kids, working and trying to start a business! Things have taken a little longer than I thought but I am certainly no less enthusiastic about getting my products out there. Every week I am making progress and I’m hoping to have some things on sale before Christmas. I hope you have all been enjoying the content I have been creating and will stick with me for this next exciting phase of my journey. There are lots more exciting things to come!

My next blog post will be in a month, but keep an eye on my socials, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for more regular post!

Take care,

Jem X