Life’s Little Things one year on.

Happy New Year everyone! It’s that time of year again, a time for promises, resolutions & fresh starts. It’s a day that brings new hope that we can make amazing things happen & change our lives for the better. It has been exactly a whole year since I first launched Life’s Little Things (you can read my first blog post here) & what a year it has been! So how is Life’s Little Things one year on?

I have loved creating content for Life’s Little Things over the past year. To be able to write positive, encouraging & happy content has been absolutely wonderful. The later part of the year has been a struggle to find time to write new blog posts, but the New Year has brought with it fresh optimism! I am really looking forward to 2022 & bringing you more new inspiring content. As well as writing blog posts this year, I have also set up some social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest to share more regular content including weekly motivational quotes. You can check out some collections of my ‘Quotes to live by’ below.

Alongside creating my website & social media content over the last year, I have also been working on other projects. Back in the first part of the year I made a major purchase for the business & bought a Cricut Machine. It is a brilliant piece of equipment that will be vital in helping me create my products & packaging. So far I have used it to create some environmentally friendly packaging for a lovely friend of mine & her craft business. I have also been working on & designing environmentally friendly products to sell on Life’s Little Things. Hopefully they will be ready to go on sale at some point in 2022, so watch this space!

Packaging for Earrings
Packaging for Earrings
Packaging for Wine Charms
Packaging for Wine Charms

There are lots more exciting things to come from Life’s Little Things this year! Keep an eye on my Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest accounts for regular content. Whatever 2022 has in store for us all, I wish you all a very Happy New Year!

Take care,

Jem X