Spring is on its way!

After what has felt like a very long and very cold winter, have you noticed the sun starting to shine a bit more lately? Doesn’t it just make you feel uplifted? Hopeful of the warmer weather to come? Spring is on its way!

Spring Equinox

Next weekend is the Spring equinox, so the mornings will be getting lighter and the evenings will be getting longer. Like the animals that are beginning to creep out of hibernation, I feel like we have started creeping out of hibernation from inside the house. Although it has still been cold, I’ve started to feel more warmth in the sunshine. It has been lovely to start opening up the windows wide to let in some of the fresh cool air, to get some washing out on the washing line and to start getting out in the garden. While out on a little walk the other day, I saw that colour is starting to appear as new leaves are growing on the trees and daffodils and other flowers have begun to pop up. It was wonderful to hear the birds chirping and to be hit by the smell freshly cut grass!

Leaves growing on the trees.
Leaves are starting to appear on trees.
Daffodils growing in the garden.
Daffodils are brightening up gardens.

Planting Seeds

I am excited for this coming spring as I am going to try and grow some fruits and vegetables. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time but I don’t have the greenest of fingers! Last weekend we planted some carrots, peppers, strawberries and snap dragons. It was a lovely thing to get the kids involved in. They loved getting all muddy (of course!) and helping with planting the seeds. I’m sure they are going to love watching them grow and eventually help harvest what we have grown. I am looking forward to planting more vegetables over the next few weeks.

Planting carrot seeds.
Planting carrot seeds.
Giving the seeds some water.
Giving the seeds a good water. Maybe a little too much!

I will keep you posted over on Life’s Little Things Facebook and Instagram pages about how well our seeds grow. Hope you all enjoy the start of spring and that it brings you some happiness and hope of better things to come as it has for me. If you need a little ‘pick me up’, check out my last blog post 9 little quotes to live by – Part 1. It is made up of some brilliantly motivational and inspiring quotes.

Take care,

Jem X