A little bit about me

Well what a first 2 weeks to the year that has been!! I hope everyone is doing ok in this tough time. Sending you all virtual hugs! So welcome back to Life’s Little Things, or if this is the first time you are reading my blog, hello!! For my first blog post a few weeks ago I told you what Life’s Little Things is all about. (Read it here if you missed it!) This time I want to tell you about me to help explain why I am creating Life’s Little Things. 

Born and raised in beautiful Cornwall, I am a proud Cornish girl, a wife to an amazingly talented electric guitarist and a Mummy to 2 little beauties who keep me VERY busy! As a generally happy and smiley person in life, I always tend to graduate towards looking on the bright side of things and try to find silver linings to situations. Don’t get me wrong, I have down days like everyone and there are times when I struggle, but I have learnt it’s ok to not be ok and I just need to give myself time to get back to feeling like me again.

A picture of me at the beach
Me enjoying the winter sun at one of my favourite places, the beach.

Why a happiness blog?

Ever since attending a lecture on blogging in Uni I have wanted to start a blog, but I could never decide on what to write about! What I did know is that I wanted to try and make a difference in the world with my posts. Even if it was only a tiny difference. After the year that was 2020 (it was a tough one) I finally connected the dots. I realised a blog would be the perfect way to try and share some happiness and positivity into the world.

Why a craft business?

As I explained in my first post, later in the year I want to launch a range of environmentally friendly gifts and crafts. I have been a creative person as long as I can remember, always making gifts, cards and artwork for people. For a long time I have wanted to make and sell crafts for a living but never took those steps to actually make it happen. I was busy with a career and after becoming a Mum there was no time to pursue anything else. Then lockdown 2020 hit and I was furloughed for a little while. Suddenly I had some time to work on my creative ideas and I made a big decision. It was time to get my butt in gear and make my dream of creating a craft business happen.

On a soppier note, I am also doing this for my children. I want to show them that with hard work and perseverance, you can (hopefully!!!) achieve anything you want to!

Why environmentally friendly?

Becoming a Mum changed my world overnight in so many ways. Apart from the obvious, it also changed the way I viewed the world and things that I didn’t really think too much about before, like world issues and the environment, suddenly became very very important to me. I can’t change everything that’s wrong in the world, but I realised that I could do small things to help. In pursuing my dream of having a craft business, I didn’t want to be a contributor to cluttering up the planet with more things that would eventually sit in a landfill site and damage the environment. So I made the decision that every product that I will make will either be made from environmentally friendly materials, can be recycled, are biodegradable, are made from sustainable resources or have been made from recycled materials.

So, now you know a little bit about me and all about Life’s Little Things! See you in 2 weeks for my next post that I’m hoping will bring a little happiness to your day. Don’t forget to keep an eye on Facebook and Instagram for more motivational and inspiring posts during the week! I will also be sharing helpful tips on little things we can all do to help our planet!

Jem X

2 Replies to “A little bit about me”

  1. Hey Jemma,
    Wooow what a wonderful human being you have become I am really enjoying reading your blog and can’t wait for the next one
    Keep yourself and your little family safe

    Lots of love

    1. Thank you so much Juju! That really means a lot. So glad you are enjoying it, thanks for the support! Lots of love XxX

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